Metasol MS

Metasol Contactor & Overload Relay

Compact & easy connection & high performance and long electrical life & greater environmental immunity sealed structure which improves its safety features





High Performance
  • Reliable in the system: Type ∥ coordination
  • Perfect system with peripheral devices
  • No arc exposure via sealed structures
User Convenience
  • One-touch connection with Din Rail
  • Simple wiring with adapter, reversing wire set
  • 4-terminal type: Easy wiring of operation coil
  • Module type screw terminal
  • Interlocking unit with built-in auxiliary contacts (2NO built-in)


Type AC-1 AC-3
A 220/240V 380/440V 500/550V 690V 1000V
18AF MC-6a 25 2.2 9 3 7 3 6 3 4
MC-9a 25 2.5 11 4 9 4 7 4 5
MC-12a 25 3.5 13 5.5 12 7.5 12 7.5 9
MC-18a 32 4.5 18 7.5 18 7.5 13 7.5 9
22AF MC-9b 25 2.5 11 4 9 4 7 4 6
MC-12b 27 3.5 13 5.5 12 7.5 12 7.5 9
MC-18b 32 4.5 18 7.5 18 7.5 13 7.5 9
MC-22b 45 5.5 22 11 22 15 20 15 18
40AF MC-32a 55 7.5 32 15 32 18.5 28 18.5 20 22 17
MC-40a 60 11 40 18.5 40 22 32 22 23 22 17
65AF MC-50a 100 15 55 22 50 30 43 30 28 30 23
MC-65a 115 18.5 65 30 65 33 60 33 35 30 23
100AF MC-75a 125 22 75 37 75 37 64 37 42 37 28
MC-85a 135 25 85 45 85 45 75 45 45 37 28
MC-100a 160 30 105 55 105 55 85 55 65 37 28
150AF MC-130a 200 37 130 60 130 60 90 55 60 75 50
MC-150a 250 45 150 75 150 70 100 55 60 75 50
225AF MC-185a 300 55 185 90 185 110 180 110 120 132 90
MC-225a 350 75 225 132 225 132 200 140 150 132 90
400AF MC-265a 400 80 265 147 265 147 225 160 185 147 105
MC-330a 500 90 330 160 330 160 280 200 220 147 105
MC-400a 520 125 400 200 400 225 350 250 300 147 105
800AF MC-500a 700 147 500 265 500 265 400 300 380 280 220
MC-630a 900 190 630 330 630 330 500 400 420 280 220
MC-800a 1050 220 800 440 800 500 720 500 630 280 220
1260AF MC-1260a 1260
2650AF MC-1400a 1400 290 860 550 860 800 800
MC-1700a 1700 310 1050 700 1050 1000 950
MC-2100a 2100 900 1450
MC-2650a 2650 900 1450


35 documents
Metasol MS_UL_#12

MC-100a, MC-130, MC-130a, MC-150, MC-150a

Metasol MS_UL_#9

MT Series MT, followed by –32, –63, –95 or -150, followed by /2H, /3H, /3K, /F2, /F3, /FK /3D, /FD, UZ Series UZ, followed by –32, -63, -95 and –150

Metasol MS_UL_#10

MW-9, GMW-12, GMW-18, GMW-22, GMW-32, GMW-40, GMW-50, GMW-65, GMW-75, GMW-85

Metasol MS_UL_#11

Industrial Control Equipment, Magnetic Motor Controllers, Models GMC, followed by -100, -125, -150, -180, -220, Industrial Control Equipment, Magnetic Motor Controllers, Models GMC, followed by -100, -125, -150, -180, -220, -300, -400, -600, and –800, may be followed by /R, may be followed by /4, and models MC, followed by -185a, -225a, -265a, -330a, -400a, -500a, -600a, -630a and -800a, may be followed by /R, may be followed by /4, and models MC, followed by -100a/4, -130a/4, 150a/4 , -185a/4, -225a/4, -330a/4, -400a/4, -500a/4, -630a/4 and -800a/4. Accessory latch units AL-100, -150, -200, -400, interlock units AR-100, -180, -600, -600 V

Metasol MS_UL_#14

Combination Motor Controllers, Type C Combination Motor Controllers consisting of LSIS Inverse-Time Circuit Breakers, MC series Contactors and MT series Overload Relays, Combination Motor Controllers, Type A Combination Motor Controllers consisting of SOCOMEC or ABB OY LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHES Manual Disconnect Device, Branch Circuit Protection Fuse, LSIS MC series Contactors and LSIS MT series Overload Relays

Susol MS_UL_#4

MU-45, MU-55, MU-70

Mini MS_UL_#2

SMD-10P, SMD-15P, SMD-20P, SMD-25P, SMD-35P, SMD-48P, SMD-50P, SMD-65P, SMD-80P

Mini MS_UL_#1

GMS-6MR, -9MR, and –12MR, may be followed by /3, /K, D/3, or D/K, GMC-, GMD or GMC(D) may be followed by –6M, -9M, -12M, may be followed by F, P or C, GMC or GMD or GMC(D) may be followed by -6MR, -9MR, and –12MR, AT-12M, AS-12M, AR-12M

Metasol MS_UL_#23

Model UT series, followed by -1 or -2, followed by N or F

Metasol MS_UL_#21

US-1, US-2, US-3, US-4, US-5, US-6, US-11, US-12, US-13, US-14, US-22

Metasol MS_UL_#19

GMC-10P2, GMC-20P2, GMC-25P2, GMC-30P2, GMC-35P2, GMC-40P2

Metasol MS_UL_#18

SMC-10P, SMC-15P, SMC-20P, SMC-25P, SMC-35P, SMC-48P, SMC-50P, SMC-65P, SMC-80P

Metasol MS_UL_#17

MC-6a, MC-9a, MC-12a and MC-18a, may be followed by /4, /R or Blank, SMC-6a, SMC-9a, SMC-12a and SMC-18a, may be followed by /4, /R or Blank, Accessory, Wire Kit – UW-18

Metasol MS_UL_#20

Series GMR, followed by -4, -6, or -8, may be followed by D or (D), Accessories – Auxiliary Contact Block, AU-1, AU-2, AU-4 and AU-100

Metasol MS_UL_#15

GMD-50a, GMD-65a, GMD-75a, GMD-85a,

Mini MS_UL_#3


Susol MS_UL_#5

Listed pressure terminal connectors Cat. Nos. AJ-125, AJ-150, AJ-220, AJ-400 and AJ-800.

[MC] Contactor Screws and Lugs Explained
[MC] Metasol MC CAD file (Capacitor contactor)
[MC] WYE-Delta Starter Selector
[MS]Metasol Series Technical Manual (eng.)
Coil characteristic data for GMC Contactor
Coil characteristic data for GMC-9 ~ GMC-85
Definition of Utilization Category
Derating of Ith according to temperature (GMC contactor)
[MS] Meta-MEC Series Contactors & TOR CAD DATA (2)
Magnetic contactor Selection table for auto-transformer starter
Amended Electrical lifetime curve for GMC
35 documents


625 Heathrow Dr.
Lincolnshire, IL. 60069, USA

Sales: (800) 891-2941
Tech Support: (800) 891-2941


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